Taş Değirmen Tam Buğday Un Öğütme Sistemi

Price : Ask For Price
Ad Code : M-437715
Ad Type : For Sale - New
Views : 1779
Date Updated : 06 Feb 2025
Production Type : Brand
Brand : Baybal Mıll Machıne Industry Trade Ltd.şti
Model : Btd 1200
Production Year : 2024
Baybal Değirmen Mak.San.Tic.Ltd.Şti
Türkiye - Konya - Selçuklu
Horozluhan Mahallesi Uzman Sanayi Sitesi Süha Sokak No:17 Selçuklu / Konya info@baybaldegirmen.com www.baybaldegirmen.com
Ad Description


Today, the developing technology brings innovations with it every day. Innovations that come with technology sometimes affect human health and nature. As it is known, flour and bread come first in food consumption. Considering nature and human health, Taş Değirmen has once again shown the world the importance it attaches to nature and public health by developing and producing flour milling machines in the most modernized way, as Baybal Değirmen Company. As Baybal Milling Machinery Company, it always continues to contribute to the industry by producing the latest system Stone milling machines, which have been modernized in the mill industry, and by producing food machines that protect both innovation and human health. Quality whole wheat flour is obtained by grinding grains such as Wheat Corn Barley Oats Teff Quinoa Rice and legumes such as Lentils Chickpeas Beans in the stone mill grinding system.
One of the most distinctive features that distinguishes the modernized stone mill grinding system from the old system is that the system produces flour with pneumatic air without touching it.
With the pneumatic system, we have also prevented the bacteria from forming in the flour milled in the stone mill during the grinding phase. Another factor for using the pneumatic system is to cool the stone during wheat milling, extending the life of the stone and completely eliminating the heating of the flour in the stone.
The germ remaining in the flour milled in the stone mill system is identified with flour and bran and provides numerous benefits to human health. Since whole wheat flour does not contain any additives, it is more delicious and has a longer shelf life. Bread made from whole wheat flour contains high fiber and protein. In this way, it is easy to digest and has a satisfying feature.
The stone mill system is a portable system. It can be easily installed inside the building.
As BAYBAL ISITMA COOLING MAKINE İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ Company, we are pleased to serve you, valuable investors in the sector, by designing stone mill, wheat cleaning and grinding systems in desired capacities.

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