Price : 2.922 $
Ad Code : M-409122
Ad Type : For Sale - Used
Views : 805
Date Updated : 18 Oct 2024
Production Type : Brand
Brand : Transform makine
Model : Tr Mb1000
Production Year : 2024
Transform Makine
Türkiye - Konya - Karatay
Karatay Konya
Ad Description

conveyor pallets are designed to work smoothly in severe conditions. It is manufactured in such a way as to allow continuous operation in the most difficult conditions. The areas of use of these pallets are cast parts, forged parts, pressed parts, bolts, recycled scrap metal, as well as chips of all types and sizes.
The widest range of broadband options in the industry 

Curtain options :

step 2"

2 1/2" pitch

step 3"

step 4"

step 6"

step 9"

12" pitch

One-piece printing without inserts, even in the widest sizes.

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