Price : 204 $
Ad Code : M-391194
Ad Type : For Sale - New
Views : 617
Date Updated : 09 Aug 2024
Production Type : Brand
Akkaya Makina Laboratuvar Test Cihazları
Türkiye - Ankara - Ostim
1416. Sokak No:34 İvedik Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Yenimahalle / Ankara
Ad Description


The Concrete Test Press starts the test with the push of a single button with the closed-circuit hydraulic pump - the gap between the upper moving head and the concrete sample is quickly closed and automatically switches to the breaking speed after the pretension of the concrete sample is taken. The system keeps the peak value (peak point) simultaneously with the breaking of the sample and automatically discharges the press by cutting the hydraulic pressure to the plunger.