Ceramic Grooving Machine | Ün Kardeş Makina Sanayi

Price : 23.034 $USD
Ad Code : M-352862
Ad Type : For Sale - New
Views : 1117
Date Updated : 14 Dec 2023
Production Type : Brand
Brand Ünkardeş
Ünkardeş Mermer İşleme Makinaları Endüstrisi
Türkiye - İstanbul - Bayrampaşa
Eski Edirne Asfaltı Baltaş Kilimci Sanayi Sitesi No:1/473 Bereç-Bayrampaşa/İstanbul
Ad Description
The outer surfaces of buildings or granite nozzle used in a coating process.
Tag: ceramic grooving machine, ceramic machine, ceramic grooving, seramaik channel, turn ceramic channel, ceramics machinery, machine, marble machine, the sizing machine, marble cutting machines, marble-sized sizing machine, granite top sizing machine, granite, marble machine, marble machine, granite sizing machine, the sizing machine granite, marble cutting machine, cutting machine, the sizing machine, cooker granite bridge cutting machine, granite cutting bridge machine, marble cutting machine, granite pouch machine, granite decorative crushing machine, marble crushing machine, grain crushing machines, carbide cNC end, carbide cNC end, carbide tip, carbide cNC end, marble cNC tip, granite cnc end, glass cNC tip, alünmümy I cnc end of