Price : Ask For Price
Ad Code : M-221620
Ad Type : For Sale - New
Views : 602
Date Updated : 09 May 2024
Production Type : Brand
Brand : krom technology
Model : 2016
Production Year : 2016
Krom Teknoloji Süt Ve Peynir Makineleri
Türkiye - Sakarya - Serdivan
İstiklal Mahallesi Sanayi Caddesi No 63 A Serdivan
Ad Description
Cheese, milk pıhtılaştırılıp with yeast , processing of a variety of ways , filtration , pressing, and in certain circumstances olgunlaştırılmasıyla a milk derived product.
Cheese production and consumption is quite common , there are many varieties . Also there may be differences even in the same kinds of cheese .
Among the factors that cause this difference :
manufacturing method
The type and quality of the milk .
Cheese making steps varies with the type
1 Raw milk intake
White cheese, cow , sheep, goat and buffalo milk can be realized in a mixture of these milks are also available.
Should be fresh and not contain any foreign substances in the cheese milk . Because:
Antibiotics and preservatives prevent clotting of the milk in milk
Have mastitis milk . defects at different stages of the construction of a high content of the bacteria that causes the cheese .
To constitute a pre-heated milk curd cheese, slow and poor quality effects .
Besides, the cheese milk to be high in composition , dry matter content is high in quality as well as efficiency is also important .
2 standardization
Accordance with cheese milk fat ratio is lowered. High proportion of fat in the milk , cheese yield and quality increase at the same rate . Because of increased fat content in the milk whey win increasing losses . Therefore cheese milk fat content should be kept at a certain level by the process of standardization .
3 pasteurization
As stated in legislation pasteurized milk cheese in Turkey 63-65 ° C for 30 minutes or 72-75 ° C for 15-20 seconds.
There are two major aim of the milk is pasteurized .
Hygienic objective: the elimination of harmful microorganisms
Technical objectives : reducing the number of other micro-organisms
Pasteurization is also provided with 1-10% also in enhanced efficiency .
However, pathogenic microorganisms in cheeses made ​​from raw milk can remain alive for a long time . For this reason, the production of pasteurized milk cheeses will be available immediately after the consumption is important for the health of the consumer .
After 90 days olgunlaştırıldıktan white cheeses made ​​from raw milk consumption , should be consumed fresh .
TO THE pasteurized milk are not factors such as disease brucellosis and tuberculosis .
Pasteurization also with the destruction of undesirable taste and gas-forming microorganisms is achieved by a positive impact on the quality of cheese .
However , the clotting ability of the yeast milk decreases as temperature increases . Thus, the resulting clot becomes less stringent and difficult separation of whey . At temperatures above 75 ° C. 10 kg of the temperature of the fermentation to eliminate these drawbacks . milk, 20 g CaCl2 participate.
4 cooling
After pasteurization of the milk temperature of 28-32 ° C, cooled to the fermentation temperature .
5 leaven
28-32 ° C. The treated milk is cooled by the force of the yeast so that the yeast is added to clotting 1,5-2,5 hours . 48c yield is better than 51 degrees . This degree of machining time is reduced and the amount of yeast by 1 hour set. Left to its own devices is turned off via cheese , curd hardening are provided. At this stage, their water spent leaves , after which the pressure is taken to harden .
6 coagulation of milk
Fermented milk begins to clot . Maturity of the traditional methods of cutting fingers dipped into the clot or clot firmness done by checking with a sharp object like a knife .
In general, the methods of making soft cheese, fits 1.5 to 2.5 hours .
7 The clot treatment
When cut clot maturity of 3 or 2 cm ³, cut into pieces . More hırpalanmamasına clot lysis process should be considered.
Processed pressure vessels clot or clots in the boat where fermentation is done usulüyle Bulgarian natural filtering the left half an hour .
8 pressing
After filtering clots in their case was processed by filtration printed 2-3.5 hours .
9 souse
Printing process was completed curd , cut into molds % 14 - 20 Bomel marinate discarded. SH 15 to 20 hours so that the acidity of pickled teleminin taken dinlendirilmesiyle reported better results .
10-15 ° C, residence time of 2 hours in brine curd to 12 hours.
There are many effects of salting process .
Plays a protective role against undesirable microorganisms . Cheeses with a high percentage of water than needed. Against corruption in the surface of the cheeses are also very beneficial. And putrefaction gas, which also makes the salt prevents the growth of bacteria .
Due to the nature of the salt is hygroscopic and a full flow filtration of serum provided. Salt , especially the non- salt cheeses ovulan causes the formation of the shell .
Has a positive effect on the taste of the cheese .
Excess salt slows down the ripening , the clot becomes stiff structure .
Fresh cheeses melt at a rate of proteins in water increases .
Is also effective in view of the nature and form of salting cheeses .
Extracted from brine cheese molds and manufacturing method according to the season in the open or in a tin of 12 hours of rest for four days .
10th handling
Feta cheese is usually packed with cans . However, if desired quick cut and packaged in boxes 1 000 g or 500 g .
11th storage
Ending process of ripening cheese packaging in cold storage in order to ensure health depolanmalıdır.Daha 6-8 ° C storage at low temperatures will melt the cheese .